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Integrating Woovi with Magento1

Pix Plugin for Magento1


This document details steps required to connect your Magento1 based e-Commerce platform to Woovi. The Woovi platform performs the reconciliation between your Bank and your e-Commerce in real time. After connecting your Woovi account it is possible to charge customers in real time with QrCodes Pix, send Payment Links, manage charges including refunds.

Note: This document expects you to already have an active Magento1 environment.

Banner Download Woovi Magento1 Plugin - versão 1.3.0 - Versão Atual

Change Log

1.3.0 - 31/07/2023

  • Implementation of Woovi Parcelado Feature

1.2.9 - 07/03/2023

  • Update endpoints

1.2.8 - 28/06/2022

  • Improves on QRCode for email and checkout success

1.2.7 - 17/06/2022

  • Improves on QRCode size on emails

1.2.6 - 17/06/2022

  • Improves on order detail and order email

1.2.5 - 06/06/2022

  • Implements the new feature of giftback
    • success-payment.png

1.2.0 - 21/02/2022

  • Implements the new UI for checkout success when generating a new order
  • Real-time inside of checkout success when paying the Order.
    • When pay, the UI will update and will show that the order was paid.
    • success-payment.png

1.1.5 - 12/11/2021

  • OrderId added on Charge comment. Now will have "Store Name#123456"

1.1.4 - 08/11/2021

  • OrderId added on Woovi Charge additional info

1.1.3 - 19/10/2021

  • Improves for Webhook Auth to avoid Apache blocking authorization header

1.1.2 - 17/09/2021

  • Fix Typo on Success page for the line "Confirme as informações e finalize o pagamento."
  • Fix Email to send the Qr Code Image and the Pix Br Code
  • Improve for logs when generating a new order

1.1.1 - 16/09/2021

  • Improves for Payment Title
  • Improves for Webhook Validation. If webhook accuses an invalid header authorization, it will log on ~/var/log/woovi_webhooks.log a message with information.
  • Improves for Webhook Validation. If webhook accuses an invalid header authorization, it will return a json like:
"error": "Invalid Request",
"description": "Invalid authorization header: magent",
"field": "authorization header"

1.1.0 - 06/09/2021

  • New Button to select which status the order must be created

1.0.8 - 02/09/2021

  • Improves for customer CPF/CNPJ

1.0.7 - 02/09/2021

  • Sending platform plugin info on request header: magento plugin version, platform name
  • Validation for customer CPF/CNPJ

1.0.6 - 02/09/2021

  • Improves Customer Order Email: sending safe info
  • Minor updates

1.0.5 - 16/08/2021

  • Improves Invoice Email
  • Minor updates

1.0.4 - 28/07/2021

  • Add validation for Customer phone
  • Minor updates

1.0.3 - 26/07/2021

  • Customer improves: saving more fields on Woovi platform
  • Minor updates for customer

1.0.2 - 26/07/2021

  • Improve for comment characters length
  • Minor updates

1.0.1 - 01/07/2021

  • Minor updates

1.0.0 - 01/06/2021

  • Initial Version

Extract the contents of the .zip file and paste it into the root folder of your Magento1 store. Usually the root store is named src which references source. If your store is different, look for the folder that contains other folders like:

  • app
  • js
  • lib
  • skin
  • var

As in the example below:


Finding the folder that contains those mentioned, just do the following:

  • Copy the extracted .zip files;
  • Paste into this folder

2. Configuring Magento1 Plugin

Enter Magento1 Admin -> System > Configuration > Sales (side menu) > Payment Methods


Upon accessing Payment Methods you will notice the Collapsible Woovi - Pix


  • App ID Insert AppID or Register a Plugin-type AppID. Create an appID here
  • Webhook Authorization Create a password for the Webhook integration. Webhook is required to update the status of Orders in real time when the Pix charge is paid.
    • Remember: The URL to be used in the webhook must be: https://yourstore/woovi/webhook when you register it on the Woovi platform
    • Remember: The key you use here must be the same at the time you register it on the Woovi platform.
    • Create a Webhook here.
  • Enabled Enable/Disable the plugin as a payment method
  • Title Payment method title in your Magento1 store

2.2 Configuring CPF/CNPJ for Customer (optional)

To save the customer's cpf/cnpj of the order in your Woovi collection you need to activate the TaxVat field in your Magento store.

Note: If you go without the configuration of this field, your charges will be saved without the same customer.

Enter Magento1 Admin -> System > Configuration > Customers (side menu) > Customer Configuration


In Show Tax/VAT Number select the required value:


From now on, customers will have to fill in this field with their CPF or CNPJ and it will be used to save the customer on the Woovi platform.

3. Create the Webhook within the Woovi Platform

Register the Webhook who will be responsible for updating your Magento1 store when a Pix charge is paid.

To register a new Webhook follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Woovi platform and access: Admin -> Settings -> API/Plugins -> New Webhook
  • Use the same password registered in your Magento1 store. Webhook is required to update the status of Orders in real time when the Pix charge is paid.
  • The Callback URL that must be used in the registration is found right below the field where the webhook password is registered within your Magento1 store. The default is: https://yourstore/woovi/webhook


4. Place Order with Pix

Choose the option to pay the order using Pix

Pay Pix

Pay Pix using your bank's app.

Checkout Success

Validate Order status changed after payment


Woovi will handle Pix Charge expiration. However, it is necessary to configure the expiration of the order in your magento store, as it will take care of the entire process.

However, magento1 does not have a native solution for it.

We recommend that order expiration/cancellation in magento1 be done using a third-party lib for help.

Once you have the third lib, we indicate that a similar configuration below is followed:

  • Woovi billing expiration time: 15 minutes
  • put the same 15 minutes inside your Magento store.

In magento you can use the lib below or any of your preference:

Updating the plugin

We advise Woovi customers to always be up to date with the latest version of the plugin. You can identify it in the installation step.

If your plugin is out of date, just follow the steps of the same installation step and update the plugin files in your ecommerce.


To debug the Woovi plugin we have two files and both files you can find on var/log:

  • woovi_exception.log: file that concentrates logs referring to the process of creating a new Magento order and consequently the charge on the Woovi side
  • woovi_webhooks.log: file that gathers logs referring to the payment process of an order. The webhook is called when we identify a new Pix in your account and it takes care of updating the order status in your Magento store.